The Fundamentals

  • Budget Coaching
  • Debt Management
  • Finance for Families
  • Employee Financial Wellness Programmes

Budget Coaching

Through this programme, we help you create an efficient budget. A good budget can help you achieve financial stability and be able to set money aside to achieve your financial goal. Budgets are personalised money plans, so your budget is unique to you and in line with the financial circumstances you find yourself in. A budget should be flexible. You should be able to adjust your budget when your financial circumstances change. Review your budget regularly. Many of us cringe at the thought of following a household budget for many reasons, including lack of time, lack of knowledge, or the idea that budgets are too restrictive and will take the fun from our lives. You do not have to struggle through this alone; schedule a consultation today and jump start your personal budget skills.

Debt management

Debt Management is a tool offered to indebted clients as a means of getting them back on the road to a financially stable, debt-free life. Majority of people are struggling with debt as a result of lack of money management skills. Through this, we help clients understand the importance of money skills and to be in control. We offer practical step by step solutions to our clients.

Learn how you can pay off your debts.

Finance for families

Finance for families is a comprehensive financial literacy solution for all members of the family, including kids. Most family finance decisions and meetings exclude the children. This unique programme brings together members of a family unit to ensure common appreciation of money issues and build a core foundation for the family.
Finance for Families equips families to:

  • Set up achievable & aligned financial goals
  • Actively take part in the family budget
  • Teach their children about money
  • Confidently discuss money at home

Employee Financial Wellness Programmes

Employee Financial wellness is a topic that increasingly pops up on the agenda of employers over the world. As a result, a growing number of organisations are launching financial wellness programmes. Millions of people globally are living from pay check to pay check. Today’s workforce is not immune to this. The resulting financial distresses reduce productivity and affect the daily performance of employees. Through our programme, we equip employees with accurate understanding and proper application of using money.

Financial Literacy Academy

The Financial Literacy Academy is a ‘Money for Kids & Teens’ programme specifically designed for 5 - 18 year olds. The Academy kick starts with in-person programme during the school vacations followed by online mentorship on the enterpreneurship project. Upon successful completion of the project, the learners will graduate from the programme.

Teaching children money skills is one of the best decisions a parent can make. Millions of the people globally are living paycheck to paycheck and sinking in deep debt. We do not want the same for our children, right? But the good news is you do not have to do it all by yourself, we are right here to help you.

Making financial decisions can be somewhat intimidating for most people, parents and children. We boast of trained facilitators to make your child’s financial journey as easy as possible. We offer a high quality programme through an interactive and easy to learn financial literacy curriculum.

Why is it important ?

Teaching children money management enables them to be assertive and make informed choices about money. In an over spending world , ensuring your children are taught money skills is the best decision ever.

Enrolling your children in the Financial Literacy Academy will help your children to:

  • be independent
  • Stay out financial trouble
  • Start sustainable businesses
  • Develop a culture of savings

What your children will learn?

  • The Art of Budgeting
  • Taking care of future needs through Saving
  • The Banking Language
  • Being an entrepreneur
  • Growing your money through Investing
  • My little small bank called a piggy bank

During the course of the programme, each child will embark on their financial literacy project. The objective of the project is to allow each student to showcase a blend of money and entrepreneurship skills acquired from the programme. Upon completion, students will graduate from the FLA Programme.

I am Money-Wise book

You heard right, we have a money for children book called ‘I am Money-Wise’. This is a comprehensive step by step book practical book designed to equip your child with money skills. All enrolled students get a copy of the book upon registration.

The book comes in two editions :

  • I am Money-Wise :Kid edition for 5 to 10 year olds
  • I am Money-Wise : Teen Edition for 11 to 18 year olds.

For parents who are unable to enroll their children into the programme, they can buy the book separately.

Ebook Option

To purchase the ebook, please click the following link.

HardCopy Option

To purchase the hardcopy separately, please click the following link.

Looking for the dates for the next FLA cohort? Check out our social media platforms.

Schools & Community Outreach Programmes

Our financial literacy curriculum is based on the 10 pillars. We have adopted the National Financial Educators Council (NFEC) Financial Literacy curricular which commences from kindergarten level to adult level. Investment in these materials is critical lifeblood of the Trust.

The Trust will implement the financial education Programmes through the following initiatives:

  • Kiddy Bank:

    Financial education programme for preschoolers, commonly known as reception or preschools.

  • Cash Club:

    This program is targeted at all pupils in Botswana. In Botswana primary school if from Standard 1 to 7

  • Junior Finance Forum 1:

    This caters for the junior secondary school going group

  • Junior Finance Forum 2:

    This is an extension of Junior Finance Forum 1 and is for the Senior Secondary school going age students, commonly known as high school in other countries

  • Finance Masters:

    This is for all college and university students

  • Finance Kgotla Adult Education Programme:

    This is for adults and various special groups